Web Portal

Our specialists in the field of developing web portals with the most advanced technological solutions look forward to working for you.

Nothing is impossible for our team of experts. We can implement any order, regardless of the portal structure complexity level. What is complicated for others, is a standard for us. Thanks to the experience of our team you will be able to save time and money, and you will receive a powerful e-tool in the form of a cutting-edge and perfectly designed portal.

Web Portal
Web Portal

Web Portal

The portal systems offered by us base on cutting-edge technology, versatile applications, smart graphics and perfect operability.

Our processes

Our processes and highly specialized team of designers, developers, testers and product managers allows us to discover, ideate, design, develop, test and improve any software that we create.

  1. CI

    When approaching any product we always start with discovery stage. We understand that it is up to us to direct client to a solution that will greatly improve as many processes as possible. Our task at this stage is to analyze data that we already have and look at what competition is doing. Understanding the business model, competition and overall industry landscape.

  2. Prace projektowe
    UI and UX design

    Working on any software UI design requires deep understanding of clients business and available solutions. At this stage digital product comes to life with interactive mockups. The design process is always consulted with dev team allowing not only to choose better solutions but also to optimize some of them to be more cost effective. Every UI element needs to let users work effectively with the software not only providing foundation for development but also providing early access to future solutions.

  3. Prace programistyczne i wdrożeniowe

    We implement software based on discovery, ideation and design stage. It allows us to invest in initially tested digital product - through interactive mockups. This approach allows developers to see the idea, goals and functionalities the way they are expected to work. Developers create initial database structure and automated tests alongside implementing functionalities of future software.

  4. Testy i instalacja na serwerze

    After first version (Alpha) is ready our manual testers thoroughly look for bugs, issues and discrepancies between initial guidelines and UI design mockups. At this stage UX designer and UI designer check if the idea, interaction quality and information architecture works as expected. If adjustments above simple bugs resolutions are needed this is the stage at which those are made.

  5. Wsparcie techniczne
    Further development

    We deploy tested software and provide support but our work usually does not end here. We constantly improve based on users feedback, create additional functionalities and find new ways to improve more processes. We develop new features and maintain working code with software updates.

Latest realizations

We have completed hundreds of projects, each of them is the result of cooperation with the client and understanding his business goals.

Portfolio cweb 22 Feb 2024
Portfolio cweb 09 Jul 2021
Portfolio cweb 09 Jul 2021

Want to know more? Check out our FAQs for some more insights.

  • We like to say that we offer 360 degrees solutions. The scope of competence and knowledge we possess allows us to develop a strategy, plan, design and provide further support and development of any digital product.
  • We are mostly experienced in systems created for web and mobile - React, Angular, PHP, MySQL, Python, Ruby etc. but our developers have experience in many other technologies and frameworks.
  • Certainly, we start our work from the workshop. We believe that an understanding of the customer's goals and experience in their industry must be reflected in the product we create. The number of workshops depends on the project, but we try not to limit their number and do them as often as necessary.
  • We try to respond immediately, with an estimate or questions that will allow us to provide some more detailed quote.
  • The most important are the objectives, information on the current structure and the investor's general insight. We're here to plan and propose the right solution and choose the right technology. If we need any information other than these basic elements, we will be sure to ask :)
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